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Fighting Analysis Paralysis in My Art Business
This article reveals my strategy to beat analysis paralysis.

Why Every Artist Needs a Website.
There are many ways you can sell art online (Freelancing, Art Licensing, Print-on-Demand). Regardless of your choice, every artist needs a website. A website provides a professionally curated and centralized location for all your art and services that you want to offer to your audience. It also gives you the most control over both your image and income.
As such, my first act to start my art business was to develop my website based on my June Goals.
Fighting Analysis Paralysis
For June I have 5 goals. My focus this week was on the 3 goals related to my website. I wanted to get my website online quickly before I could talk myself out of it. I suffer from Analysis Paralysis.
Analysis Paralysis is inaction or inability to make a decision mostly due to overthinking a problem. In business, this looks like being perpetually stuck in the planning phase. You are watching every YouTube video about starting a business. You read a ton of books. You may even take a few courses. But you don’t actually start that business.

My strategy to fight analysis paralysis
My analysis paralysis has stopped me from starting my art business before. This time I had a strategy to combat it and follow through on my goal.
I gave myself a deadline to complete my goals, the end of June. Since creating a website is extremely difficult due to the several little details that are involved. I made my goals “easy wins,” or easy to accomplish in the time frame. This eliminated the fear of failing because I know that as long as I have time to actually do the tasks, then I will succeed.
The best part? Once I started working on my task and developing my website. It was easy. All of the built-up tension quickly cleared as I gained confidence and realized I could build a website.
Read about the productivity hack that helped me make time for my goals.
Small Wins Have Big Consequences
Following my strategy, I was able to accomplish ALL of my June Goals.
That’s right in my first Work with Me Vlog, I finished all three of these goals. Using the Vlog as my main motivation, I was able to give the tasks my complete focus and finish them. It was surprising. I made decisions quickly when normally, I would have contemplated it for days. I also realized that I none of my goals were hard to complete. Everything I thought would take a month was finished in 2 hours. In fact, I surpassed my goals and completed my About Page and Contact Page on both my website and shop subdomain.
Analysis Paralysis Conquered. What’s Next?
The first step in Business is to get started. I’ve completed that step, so the next is to plan and execute. I need to create a plan for my business to start making money. Come back next week where I share my overall business plan and how I plan to make money in my art business.